Lyrics by Bob Gillet - (Tune
- The Can Can)
This ADC's a funny life.
You work and seldom see your wife.
The CF's not the best they say.
But we will fly it anyway.
Six months ago they came alive.
Unveiled a shiny 1 - 0 - 5.
We thought this was a real treat.
Now we will not be obsolete.
So we're beating up the station.
Flying for the nation.
Working for our pay.
That goes too fast away.
Our old CF is a honey,
Burning taxpayers' money.
But it's real swell, we go like hell,
There goes the bell ... Ding...Ding.
It's ... a ... Scramble.
Navigator tears his hair.
'Cause his pilot's,
Sleeping soundly in a chair.
Get that energizer started,
Never be down-hearted;
We will find the clod...,
Who never bothered with the time,
To register a flight plan,
Now he's woke us up ... and,
He will really pay, for the delay,
He never took.... Bum... Bum.
Now the stories very sad,
The finest plane we ever had;
Cast aside, and now they say,
The Bomarc's coming any day ...
Comrades don't be indiscreet,
There's far worse jobs on civvy street,
Bomarc kites are pretty fair,
But won't keep OUR boys in the air ...air...air.
I will feel just like a limp lark,
Polishing a Bomarc
While our Southern friends, fly overhead,
And smugly capture ... all the fame and glory.
So our only prayer is,
That they will be fair,
And keep Canadians in the air.
Bum, bum.