Planning the reunion in Kingston, NS in 1992 |

'Jake' Haycock, 'Trom' Tremblay, 'Tex' McCheyne & Lloyd Graham |
Committee Dinner Party at Lloyd's |

Jake, Trom, Lloyd, Betty andSharleine |

Jake Haycock, Claude Montour, Barbara de Smedt, |

Len Sturch, Jake H., Jacques Turcotte, Claude Montour |

Joan MacLean, Arn Dagenais, Claude M., Don Phinney |
Bill Morris, Bob Wanless, Jean Lemay, Claude... |

Montour, Bill Bland. And a couple more! |

Bette Tremblay, Gary & Una Garnier, Claude & Ghislaine Montour |
Joe Gulyes, Peter Growen, EMW Robbie
Robinson, Laurie Woollett, Dan Gagnon, Pat Ledgerwood, Trom Tremblay, Jake Haycock, Vern
Matheuszik, Bill Morris
Peter DeSmedt, Jess Eisler, Ed Goski, Bob Wanless, Lloyd Graham,
Dave McCheyne, Dave Lennox, Dan Gagnier, Len

Sharon & Andy Hartford, Pat Ledgerwood |

Betty Tremblay's quilt autographed by Helen Gagnon |
The three 416 ROBINSONs on 8 October 1993 |

Karl (now deceased), EMW & RR 'Black Robbie' |
Punchbowl 1993 choir |

E.M.W.Robinson, Don Phinney, Lloyd and Barry Mootham |