Ron, Agatha, Pat |

Trom, Lloyd, Ed |

Al, Ron, Agatha, Pat, Lloyd |

Lorne "Sparky" Sparks and Leslie |
Next day, it was more "Yippy Ki Yeh" (sans expletive!) - this time, a real live
rodeo party ...
Enough with the "Yippee Ky Yeh" already ... |

... let's saddle up some suds! |

Seated: Ed Goski (aka Walter Brennan),
Bob Eley, Jake Haycock, Frank Neshine, Trom Tremblay, Pat Ledgerwood. In
background: Robbie Robinson, Denis Rogers.

Ed, Bob, Jake, Frank. Denis in background. |

Facing camera: Pat, Ed, Bob |
On the last night it was "STRICTLY BALLROOM" - as we all got
gussied up for a formal Dinner Dance. Some of us had a little trouble with the Quickstep, but everyone had a great time!

Standing: Syd Rennick, Jack Deakin(*), Ed Goski, Al Ruttan, Frank Neshine, unk, Pat
Ledgerwood, Dan Gagnon, Al Wardstrom, Lorne Sparks, unk, Bob Eley (hidden), Denis Rogers, Robbie Robinson. Seated:
Lloyd Graham, Trom Tremblay, Jake Haycock, Arnold "Arn" Dagenais.
In bg: Al Ruttan, Al Wardstrom, Lorne, Trom |

In FG: Lloyd, Jake and Leslie |
Standing L to R: Al Ruttan, Frank Neshine,
unk, Pat Ledgerwood, Dan Gagnon,
Al Wardstrom, Lorne Sparks, Bob Eley.
Seated: Lloyd Graham, Trom Tremblay,
Jake Haycock, Arnold Dagenais.

From left: Ed, Arn, Lloyd, Jake, Joan |

Dan, unk, Leslie, Lorne, Al, Punchbowl Open Golf Trophy |

Lorne, Al, Bob. (Arn and Denis in shadows) |

Pat and Frank |
